"Maxwell tells the story of Caterina, a young alchemist’s daughter whose illicit love affair brings her the greatest love of her life, her genius son Leonardo. In order to watch over and protect him, she escapes from the restrictions of her gender, entering into a seductive garden of philosophy, art, learning and danger. From the dusty streets of Vinci and the glories of Il Magnifico's Florence, to the conspiratorial halls of Rome and Milan, the book celebrates one woman’s unquenchable ardor for knowledge, and a secret world that historical fiction readers rarely see."
— C.W. Gortner, author of THE LAST QUEEN |
"Signora da Vinci is without a doubt the best historical fiction I have read all year. In her most remarkable novel yet, Robin Maxwell takes us back to the Italian Renaissance to give us a beautifully rendered and captivating portrait of Leonardo da Vinci's mother, Caterina. A masterful blend of fact and fiction, Signora da Vinci mesmerizes."
— Michelle Moran, Nefertiti, The Heretic Queen |
"Here is a superbly imagined portrait of a woman living in turbulent times who boldly behaved as few dared. Caterina da Vinci moved in a world that included the glittering Medici and the villainous Savonarola, all of whom are well-limned in this sparkling epic. Set in the sunshine of 15th century Tuscany, the novel continually delights with intriguing details, from the bottega workshops of the great Italian masters to the minutiae of an alchemist's laboratory." |
— Vicki Leon, Uppity Women of the Renaissance, Working IX to V |
"A masterpiece of historical fiction . . . Signora da Vinci is an adventure from beginning to end. . . . Maxwell is one of the queens of historical fiction." |
- Swapna Krishna, SKrishnaBooks.com |
"A glorious novel of fifteenth-century Florence, utterly engrossing and glittering with color. Robin Maxwell has a stunning achievement in Signora da Vinci ." |
-Sandra Worth, author of The King's Daughter |
"Lush and lusty, fascinating and smart, this fictionalized biography is a stroke of genius crafted by a gifted historian." |
- Romantic Times |
"Great Fun!" |
- The Historical Novels Review |
Bonus Passport to Leonardo and Caterina's World! |